
Monday, December 19, 2011

book review candles 4 you

<a href="" target="_top">Click Here!</a>  

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

chocolate chocolate chunck icecream - nondariy

This rich chocolate desert has no milk it is made rich with cashew milk and lots of melted chocolate.

First make the cashew milk:

In a blender mix 150 grams of cashews - about 1/2 cup
With a cup of water
Strain threw cheese cloth or gauze
Save liquid the mush can be used in a different cooking adventurer

Measure milk and add water to make 2 2/3 cups of cashew milk.

Heat milk in thick bottomed pot
Mix 1/3 cup water with 5-6 tablespoon corn starch
2-3 shakes of salt
Add to pot and mix over medium heat for about two minutes.

Add 250 grams of bittersweet nondairy chocolate (2 1/2 bars)
Melt chocolate and continue mixing and heating until the mixture stars to get thick.
Remove from heat and cool in freezer or frig until very cold.
Simple sugar syrup – about one cup (this is the secret to really good smooth ice-cream)
Mix ¾ cup hot water with 1 cup sugar mix over heat until all the sugar is dissolved,
Cool in frig or freezer until very cold.
Put everything in an ice cream a clean (must hold 2 quarts) and run until contents are thick and about ¾ of the machines running time has passed (about 15-20) m in. on my machine)
Add 1 ½ chocolate bars – chopped into very small chunks
3 tablespoons chocolate liquor
Keep mixing until the machine stop cover with plastic wrap and put in freezer for at least 2-3 hours
Serve it up yum!!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Things no one thinks of making at home:

I'm beans about vanilla beans - known as vanilla sticks in Hebrew.Here is an amazing video about where they come from and what it takes to get a vanilla bean ready for market. Do not be put off by the flaky beginning you can a fast forward to the part were you see a lady in the jungle growing vanilla orchards.
 How to make your own
Vanilla extract:
30 ml of drinking alcohol
30 ml of pure water - boiled or mineral water
(or 60 ml of vodka)
2 cm vanilla bean chopped up into small pieces. 
one small opaque glass bottle

mix water and alcohol in the bottle (or just add the vodka to the bottle). 
Add the vanilla been.
let sit in a cool place for about two months.